I’ve been reading some reviews online for Blood Games and I’m hearing the same words over and over: “illogical”, “sexist”, “hilarious”, “trash”, “waste of time”.... Basically everyone is having fun shitting on Blood Games. It’s easy to write off a movie about a girls baseball team that’s hunted down by a mob of rednecks. Especially when the Australian title is Baseball Bimbos in Hillbilly Hell “Huk-huk-huk.” Oh look! I can make fun of stupid movies too!
Blood Games is a perfect example of what’s wrong with how people consume media today. Everyone is dying to put things in a box. To judge it and move on. Sure the first 20 minutes of Blood Games is retarded and hilarious but if you paid attention you might find there’s a little more to this “standard” rape-revenge flick than you thought.
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