Squeeze The Trigger From Kill Pretty Issue 6

Squeeze The Trigger From Kill Pretty Issue 6

Issue 6 of Kill Pretty may be our grimiest yet. Case in point: Squeeze The Trigger by gonzo photographer Richard Perkins and surrealist writer Jacob Shelton. With photos by Perkins and words by Shelton, this booze fueled look at the hidden world of slime beneath normal, every day America will shock and delight. Here’s a taste, but if you want to see the whole thing you’ve got to pick up the magazine.

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Four Soothing Photos And One Picture Of A Guy Breaking Into Your Home

Four Soothing Photos And One Picture Of A Guy Breaking Into Your Home

It’s a stressful world out there; people are worried about politics, the Earth heating up, the Earth cooling down, the fact that you’re in your 30s and haven’t been to the dentist in over a decade, and people with breaking into our homes and stabbing us in our sleep. Sometimes you just need a nice place on the internet, somewhere you can relax and forget about your day to day problems. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of four soothing photos and one with a guy who wrapped himself in toilet paper before climbing the stairs to your bedroom. We don’t know how it got here but we can’t figure out how to delete it. Try not to look at that one.

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The Underrated: Demon Seed (1977)

The Underrated: Demon Seed (1977)

Every week we review a movie that we feel is underrated or over looked. Something you need to see.


Over the years artificial intelligence has become an increasingly terrifying reality. As the internet slowly takes over our brains and robot assassin dogs are being built by the military, technology takes leaps and bounds toward our destruction every day. Surprisingly, even in 2013, our fear of technology has been subdued by our love of instagraming burrito’s and “likeing” dying african children. When the android Nazi’s of tomorrow rise up to engulf their creators in flames we’ll be too busy uploading it to Youtube to do anything about it. Not like in the 70’s. In the 70’s they had a healthy fear of technology. More importantly a fear of robot rape

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