Chandler Burton From Issue Six

Chandler Burton From Issue Six

You don’t think we forgot about skateboarding do you? Issue six features a great talk with queer indie skater Chandler Burton. We talk skating in drag, skateboarder crushes, and Burton’s ever evolving style. Check out the preview below and pick up the magazine for the full interview complete with photos by Nick Weber.

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The Saucer by Steve Torres

The Saucer by Steve Torres

Maybe you come to Kill Pretty for the graffiti. Maybe you crack the spine for the skateboarding and celebrity interviews, but along the way you’re going to read something by one of our writers about being abducted by the Teletubbies and having sex with all of them. That’s just the way it goes. Steve Torres reports to us from Parts Unknown.

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An Excerpt From Spider Log 189

To read the full article you gotta buy the mag!!! Get it HERE!

Being a web slinging super hero isn’t as easy you’d think. A ild case of the beer shits and alack for real human connection come standard with the job. It’s 11:30 and my phone won’t stop ringing. Kill Pretty wants an interview with the greatest protector this city has even known and I can’t find my fucking pants. Not feeling up to going under ground without being elevated, I down two tall cans and smoke a spidey joint before carring on with my endeavor.

I ride the train for free because this city owes me. There are countless citizens I’ve saved from the clutches of monotony while strolling down the boulevard with nothing to stare at but souvenir shops and hobos pissing in the corner. When I arrive at the Highland/Hollywood station there’s a crispness oin the air with a hint of desperation, and maybe rat poop. No sign of Megatron, Iron Man, or Silver Spray Paint All Over his Face And Suit Man. They must be upstairs saving society for dollar bills like modern day mercenaries who you hire for your shitty tourist pictures hen family comes to visit you and… oh shit I blacked out for a minute.

I might have drank too much… or maybe I’m still just drunk from the night before… or maybe this weed is laced with some other shit ‘cause mother fuckin’ kids are lookin’ at me like I’m some kind of drunk asshole instead of the hero they all worship. They’ve made movies about me god damnit! I’m givin’ out thumbs ups tellin’ kids not to do drugs knowing that’s their only escape from reality unless they get bit by a radioactive spider like me… Shit, I’m doing it again. Okay I just gotta find Nacho and that bearded bastard from last night that agreed to meet me here and get this over with so I can return to my web.I’m 45 minutes late ut I know they wouldn’t leave a spider hanging…

Wanna read the full article!? You gotta buy it HERE!!!

An Excerpt From Who Is Montezuma And Why Does He Take Revenge On My Asshole?

An Excerpt From Who Is Montezuma And Why Does He Take Revenge On My Asshole?

I’m standing in line, waiting, on my way home from the bar, subtly swaying back and forth with my feet planted like cinder blocks at the bottom of the lake. It could be a minor pee-pee dance or just something to keep me distracted from the spins – I’m not entirely sure at this point. I’m just trying to maintain my composure. It’s almost my turn to order. I’m watching the couple in front of me, their arms intertwined with each other’s bodies as they order their food by numbers. They complete the transaction and move aside. It’s my turn.

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Squeeze The Trigger From Kill Pretty Issue 6

Squeeze The Trigger From Kill Pretty Issue 6

Issue 6 of Kill Pretty may be our grimiest yet. Case in point: Squeeze The Trigger by gonzo photographer Richard Perkins and surrealist writer Jacob Shelton. With photos by Perkins and words by Shelton, this booze fueled look at the hidden world of slime beneath normal, every day America will shock and delight. Here’s a taste, but if you want to see the whole thing you’ve got to pick up the magazine.

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Daniel Stessen Invites You To Check Out Dream Corp LLC

Daniel Stessen Invites You To Check Out Dream Corp LLC

Dreamcorp LLC is one of the weirdest shows to ever drop onto broadcast television, if you slept on this show you seriously missed out. We spoke with the folks behind the series about their dreams, making TV on a small budget, and chopping off limbs. You know, normal stuff.

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Steve Torres: Employee Of The Month

Steve Torres: Employee Of The Month

In every issue of Kill Pretty we highlight an Employee of the Month so you can see how things work behind the scenes at our office, and so you can can get to know the people who write this smut. Read a little about our employee of the month, Steve Torres, and check out the rest of our weird information about him in issue six of Kill Pretty.

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Frog Reviews By Sarah Lew, An Excerpt

Frog Reviews By Sarah Lew, An Excerpt

Does issue six of Kill Pretty feature long form interviews with graffiti icons, horror game changers, and obscure comic book artists? Absolutely. But the question you’re not asking is, does issue six of Kill Pretty feature reviews of different frogs? Hell yes it does. We’ve included a couple of these necessary and important reviews below, but you’ve got to buy the magazine to see how the rest of the frog community holds up.

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An Excerpt From "The Saucer"

An Excerpt From "The Saucer"

Issue Six of Kill Pretty features a story of sex, aliens, and Teletubbies from the one and only Steve Torres. It’s best if you just read this very horny excerpt and then purchase a couple of copies of the magazine. If you’re a fed or another Teletubby fetishist, please reach out to Steve personally and not the Kill Pretty staff (we rarely check our email).

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An Excerpt From Our Big Ass Interview With Baer

An Excerpt From Our Big Ass Interview With Baer

Issue Six of Kill Pretty has a ridiculously oversized interview with the one and only graffiti god Baer. How big is this interview? It’s so dang big that we could post excerpts online for years and we would never get to the good stuff. Buy the magazine if you want to read the entire thing, or continue to read these excerpts and attempt to piece together what the interview might look like in print.

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Genital Size: Large, An Excerpt From Issue Six

Genital Size: Large, An Excerpt From Issue Six

I am playing Cyberpunk 2077 to finally achieve my boyhood dream: I will be an e-girl. A violent, murderous, sword-wielding e-girl. This is an excerpt from my time in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. To read about the full transformation buy a copy of Kill Pretty Issue Six.

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An Excerpt From Our Interview With Rob Schrab Found In Issue Six

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Rob Schrab Found In Issue Six

Before Rob Schrab found success with films like Monster House, The Sarah Silverman Program, and Mystery Science Theater 3000, he wrote and illustrated Scud: The Disposable Assassin. When Nacho wrangled Schrab to talk about his influential comic from the ‘90s he was more than happy to dive deep into the hyperkinetic world of everyone’s favorite robot assassin. Check out excerpts from the interview below, and pick up the magazine to read the full interview.

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