Chandler Burton From Issue Six

Chandler Burton From Issue Six

You don’t think we forgot about skateboarding do you? Issue six features a great talk with queer indie skater Chandler Burton. We talk skating in drag, skateboarder crushes, and Burton’s ever evolving style. Check out the preview below and pick up the magazine for the full interview complete with photos by Nick Weber.

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An Excerpt From Our Interview With Nick Rutherford (Part Two)

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Nick Rutherford (Part Two)

Issue Six of Kill Pretty Magazine features a ridiculous amount of ink dedicated to one of the most intriguing TV shows of the last decade, Dream Corp LLC. We poked and prodded star Nick Rutherford until he told his life story. He’s a pretty good guy and we probably shouldn’t have poked him so much. Check out excerpts from his interview below and buy the magazine to read the rest.

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An Excerpt From Our Interview With Fancy Lad

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Fancy Lad

To read the full interview pick up issue 5, a thing you can do by clicking this link! Wow! HTML!

KP: How did Fancy Lad get started?

BIG: The name Fancy Lad came from me working at a cafe with Legs who I guess you could say is on the team but not really because he doesn't really skate anymore. Same with Vey. I wish they had full parts but it's impossible to get it out of them. I was working at this bakery with Legs and our manager Phil was, I don't know how to describe him besides he was very...let's say, pretentious and kind of a snob...a little prissy in ways. We used to call Phil, Fancy Lad Phil. We got that term from Cabin Boy, the movie with Chris Elliot. So I was working there and we were using that as a derogatory term for really rich, pretentious hipster people. We thought it was funny because we were gonna make this low-fi, really shitty looking, whatever it is video. We were making that video and we finished it and I pretty much had no ambitions at the time. I was filming Fiske who skated for Heroin and he wanted to edit his own part. We just ended up making that video and it was just an afterthought. We showed it to Arty who used to own Coliseum and he suggested just printing one graphic and seeing what happens. We actually printed that VHS graphic which is still our best seller today. So, I guess we got lucky that he decided to print that one.

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An Interview With Aileene McConnley, Leading Chemtrail Expert

An Interview With Aileene McConnley, Leading Chemtrail Expert

I’m standing in a field near Chico, California with Aileene McConnley. She hands me one of those white air filter masks that people wear while they’re mowing the lawn. “See those?” She points at a pair of white streaks that crisscross each other in the sky. “The trails are going to be heavy today.” When I ask what exactly it is that chemtrails do she scoffs at me and hands me an already opened umbrella.

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An Excerpt From Our Interview With Brian Yuzna

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Brian Yuzna

For a certain sect of horror fans Brian Yuzna requires no introduction, but his erotic, gooey horror films not only skirt the edge of good taste, they’ve kept him on the edge of the mainstream for his entire career. Issue Six of Kill Pretty features an in depth interview with Yuzna that touches on every aspect of his career, from producing Re-Animator, to directing Society and the non-everyman persona of Jeffrey Combs. Check out the excerpt below, but if you want to read the full thing you’ve got to pick up the magazine.

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An Excerpt From Our Big Ass Interview With Baer

An Excerpt From Our Big Ass Interview With Baer

Issue Six of Kill Pretty has a ridiculously oversized interview with the one and only graffiti god Baer. How big is this interview? It’s so dang big that we could post excerpts online for years and we would never get to the good stuff. Buy the magazine if you want to read the entire thing, or continue to read these excerpts and attempt to piece together what the interview might look like in print.

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A Preview Of Our Interview With Blake Anderson From Issue 6

A Preview Of Our Interview With Blake Anderson From Issue 6

As if issue Six of Kill Pretty wasn’t already stuffed with enough cool shit, we’ve got an interview with Blake Anderson from Workaholics hidden somewhere inside. Here’s a taste of what he has to say about hollow moon theory, but if you want to know all the weird shit he’s been up to you’ve got to buy the magazine.

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The Museum of Death from Issue 6

The Museum of Death from Issue 6

There's a lot of weird and interesting stuff to see when you come to Los Angeles, from The Hollywood sign to that hotel downtown where that girl drowned. LA is filled with stories and landmarks, but nothing holds a candle to the Museum of Death. This unmissable spot is dedicated to the horrors of real life. From gory car crash photos and shrunken heads to Charles Manson's guitar, you'll be horrified and you'll love it. Kill Pretty interviewed the folks behind the museum for issue six, here’s a sneak peek.

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Nick Rutherford Talks About His Strange Trip In Dream Corp LLC

Nick Rutherford Talks About His Strange Trip In Dream Corp LLC

There’s so much Dream Corp LCC content in issue six that even if you don’t know the show (which you really should) you’ll know everything about how the sausage is made by the time you’ve strained your eyes reading to the last page. Our good fellow Tyler Nacho sat down with star Nick Rutherford for an extended chat about the series, how he approaches his character, and just regular dude stuff, you know? Check out the beginning of the interview below and find the entire thing in our most recent issue.

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Brian Yuzna Talks Horror, Gore, And The 1980s In Issue 6

Brian Yuzna Talks Horror, Gore, And The 1980s In Issue 6

Issue Six of KILL PRETTY is finally here and it feels so good. This freaked out, fucked up, and all around fabulous issue is teeming with weird articles, sexy babes, and at least two stores about alien abductions. Oh, and we interviewed splatter-horror icon Brian Yuzna. Check out the preview and buy the magazine for the full story.

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An Excerpt From Our Interview With Doug Stanhope

To read the FULL interview you gotta buy the mag!!! Buy it HERE!

DS: I was just searching midget porn.

KP: For any specific reason or just to get off?

DS: I’m trying to buy DVDs of weird porn and I’m like, “How do you buy porn?” I can’t remember the last time I bought a hard copy DVD porn. We do porn and eggs parties, occasionally, for brunch. Last time we had a vintage porn that someone had sent us, like 1940’s shit, then there’s the potluck and… yeah.

KP: That shit’s crazy how they had to reel it on a reel and then set up a projector just to get 10 to 30 seconds of soundless porn.

DS: Yeah, but it wasn’t like that, it was more “burlesque,” girls stripping, it was just weird what we had, but it was funny. And then we waited as the day wore on and everyone got drunker and then we switched it out for hardcore tranny porn. So people noticed, “Oh, jeez,” but they stayed. So now it’s, “What do we want to do for the next one?” Do we do amputee porn, fatties, grannies - it can’t be regular porn. It’s gotta be weird on some level.

KP: You were probably jacking off in the ‘80s when you had to buy those boxes or rent them at video stores

DS: Yeah, in the ‘80s I had to rent them, but I had to go down to the liquor store when I lived in LA in the ‘90s and then they had them about cigarettes behind the counter. “What’s the title on that one? Yeah, I guess it can be that one. Just give me the longest compilation. I’ll fast forward.”

KP: Was it a lot harder to find really weird shit at that time or could you still find the weird amputee midget stuff?

DS: Well, when you were in a video store, they would have that back section and you could browse, but not like today. You couldn’t click on Youporn and type in a fuckin’ word.

KP: I’m really into psychedelics and as you can tell, the magazine is pretty psychedelic. I know you stopped taking them for a while and I’ve heard you talking about them again.

DS: I feel like I should the same way I feel like I Should get out and exercise more. I just hate doing it. Once I’m tripping, I’m glad I did. Just thinking about tripping, “Fuck, that’s like eight hours.” I hate puking and occasionally I’ll puke in the beginning. Drinking, at the end you go, “Oh, I’ll never drink again.” Psychedelics at the beginning you go, “Oh I don’t know if I want to go through with this.” At the end you’re like I’m so glad I did it.”

Need the rest of Doug’s story? You gotta buy the mag! Buy it HERE!

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Mind Detrgnt

An Excerpt From Our Interview With Mind Detrgnt

To read the full interview pick up issue 5, a thing you can do by clicking this link! Wow! HTML!

KP: What's Memphis like for graffiti?

MD: It's an awful place for graffiti. The biggest crew there is UH crew. I don't really like their shit, but that's what I grew up around. I didn't do shit like theirs. They do all that weird *makes ninja noises* crazy you know, complicated, illegible pieces and shit like that. I was never that into it. Me and my homie, we were both runaways and we would do shitty tags on Lexuses and shit like that. Me and him both wrote MIND DETRGNT. He never really got that into graffiti. He ended up getting more into music. He still plays music as MIND DETRGNT and he still makes collages that are MIND DETRGNT collages that are really cool. I used to do collages but I don't any more.

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