Five Thieves Who Deserve To Burn In Hell

Five Thieves Who Deserve To Burn In Hell

Here at Kill Pretty we love crime. It’s the best. Regulars and normals may have an aversion to theft, thieves, and crime-doers but not us. That being said, we also believe that some people deserve to burn in Hell for eternity for their sins against Heaven and possibly even Christ. We’ve rounded up five thieves who deserve to burn in Hell, but not for the crime of committing crime.

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The Museum of Death from Issue 6

The Museum of Death from Issue 6

There's a lot of weird and interesting stuff to see when you come to Los Angeles, from The Hollywood sign to that hotel downtown where that girl drowned. LA is filled with stories and landmarks, but nothing holds a candle to the Museum of Death. This unmissable spot is dedicated to the horrors of real life. From gory car crash photos and shrunken heads to Charles Manson's guitar, you'll be horrified and you'll love it. Kill Pretty interviewed the folks behind the museum for issue six, here’s a sneak peek.

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The Five Best Hangover Cures To Try In Your 30s

The Five Best Hangover Cures To Try In Your 30s

I hate to be the person to break the news to you, but you’re getting old. If you’re like me, you’re well into your 30s, and you can’t drink like the young dum-dum you once were. Whether you’re double fisting tall boys all night, or day drinking rosé with your crew, you’re going to be suffering the next day. The easiest way to make sure you don’t have a hangover is to stop drinking, but we both know that’s not going to happen. So until you suddenly become responsible, or die from a liver explosion, here are the best ways to get rid of the pounding in your head and the rumbling in your stomach.

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Random Human Dies Nobody Cares By Sean Conforti

Random Human Dies Nobody Cares By Sean Conforti

At 5:53am this sunny winter morning a random human died. We didn’t bother getting a name because nobody seemed to care about the human prior to death, so we assumed that nobody would care a posteriori. A nurse at the hospital referred to the corpse with male pronouns, so we assume that the human was male. However, dead now, the human has become gender neutral, in so far as compost cannot be assigned gender in the English language. The French word for compost is masculine, both a noun and a verb. It is yet to be determined if this is relevant.

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Rock In Peace - 10 Bands Definitely Breaking Up in 2015

Rock In Peace - 10 Bands Definitely Breaking Up in 2015

2015 has begun, and as Kill Pretty’s resident music know it all/sass machine, I think it’s important that we cleanse ourselves of the negative vibes of 2014 as we prepare for the even worse vibes coming in 2015. We can all admit that last year was mostly terrible. Save for a few personal highlights (a couple of friends got married and I ate the world’s largest hot dog), 2014 was full of terrible news. The police murdered people in the streets, we were tricked into caring about a Seth Rogen film, and an entire airplane disappeared. Worst of all, we were inundated with some truly awful music. If you read my last column, you’ll know that I liked a few songs last year but that's about it.

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