We are always looking for writers, photographers, interviewers and interns. Send in graffiti flicks, pictures of naked women or random trash from your shitty office job!
We are also looking for chase stories or random articles talking shit!
Submit anything you want to: sup@killprettymagazine.com
We tend to post pieces that lie between 500 and 700 words. If you send us something longer than 1,500 words we will send you a Venmo request for $10.
If you want credit for your piece then your submission have this at the bottom:
Wow this thing totally happened! [Title of Piece]
By Gary L. Meredith [Author’s Name]
garysemail@internet.com [Autho'r’s email]
@garylmeredith [social media handle if you have one]
If you don’t want your name or social media handle in your byline just let us know. The subject line of your email should a variation of your title rather than something like “HEY READ THIS” or “FREE SHIPPING ON BLUE CHEW.”
Paste your entire document into the email rather than sending a link, we won’t click it and we won’t download attachments. Submit one thing at a time. You can send something else literally the moment we get back to you. Unless we’re like, “Hey don’t send us anything else because the thing you wrote is so good that we’re going to burn down the internet.”
At the moment we can’t pay you but we’re working on it. If you’re exceptionally cool then we'll reach out and figure out some form of compensation. Response time is something like 10 days at the moment. Our editorial staff is exhausted/there was just a party/we lost the password to the email.