Enter The Ninja (1981)

Enter The Ninja (1981)

The last few years have been pretty disgraceful in the world of the ninja. No longer are they the deadliest of assassins but now are mocked openly along side pirates and wizards. The ninja is an obvious costume choice, not a deadly threat. So lets go back to the ninja glory days (the 80’s) where America was just coming accustom to the ninja lifestyle, which was ripe for exploitation.

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The Underrated: Nemesis

The Underrated: Nemesis

Acting is over rated. Did you really come to see some people PRETEND to be something other than cardboard cutouts? Fuck no! Why are you watching a movie called Nemesis? Is it because you want sappy, realistic love scenes? Or do you want robots blowing up shit in the future and naked android assassins? I’m gonna go with the naked android assassins on this one. 

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Underrated: Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (1972)

Underrated: Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (1972)

Women In Prison films are the thing of the past here in America. We haven’t seen one in years. For most film enthusiasts WIP means Campy. And for good reason. Most WIP movies are campy! From Chained Heat to Bad Girls Dormitory, we love the films but they are pretty damn cheesy. The genre has become so predictable there are even parody films. This is what feels so great about watching Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion. Here we have an outstanding Women In Prison film. One filled with action, story, and best of all: quality acting. FP701 may be the best Women In Prison films ever made and this is where it all started.

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The Underrated: Miami Blues

The Underrated: Miami Blues

At this point the Baldwin Brothers are an unstoppable force. Laugh all you want, these motherfuckers make great movies. Yeah there’s a lot of stinkers along the way but when they hit, watch out! Alec Baldwin is probably the most successful and talented of the four and Miami Blues drives this home. Giving one of the best performance’s of his career to a movie no one talks about. Miami Blues is the under rated film of the 90’s! No joke.

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The Underrated: Demon Seed (1977)

The Underrated: Demon Seed (1977)

Every week we review a movie that we feel is underrated or over looked. Something you need to see.


Over the years artificial intelligence has become an increasingly terrifying reality. As the internet slowly takes over our brains and robot assassin dogs are being built by the military, technology takes leaps and bounds toward our destruction every day. Surprisingly, even in 2013, our fear of technology has been subdued by our love of instagraming burrito’s and “likeing” dying african children. When the android Nazi’s of tomorrow rise up to engulf their creators in flames we’ll be too busy uploading it to Youtube to do anything about it. Not like in the 70’s. In the 70’s they had a healthy fear of technology. More importantly a fear of robot rape

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