Quarantine No Nos

Quarantine No Nos

We’re crawling up the walls, baking every bread that can be baked. We’re forming vacation pods and going to Joshua Tree. We’re forming vacation pods and going to Palm Springs. We’re baking bread with our photogenic dogs and vacation pods in Joshua Tree and Palm Springs. We’ll never leave quarantine, we’ll let the virus burn through us until the only people left are COVID free by default. You can cross your fingers and hope that you make it to 2021 without saddling your family without a hefty respirator bill, or you can avoid these Quarantine No Nos and continue pacing your studio apartment Coronavirus free.

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Wastedland 2 Closing Party

Wastedland 2 Closing Party

Come to our closing show this SATURDAY! At Supercheif Gallery!


Unlike skateboarding, rapping or video games, graffiti is, and will always be, inherently illegal. Because graffiti is so destructive by nature, it will never be fully accepted into mainstream society. It will always be shunned and because of this there will always been an underground world that the mainstream will not understand. That’s the best part: We have our own code, our own world, and as much as the street artists and Nike commercials want to get in, they will forever be left kicking rocks.

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Shocking news from celebrity world reaches our desks every day, but this exclusive story about Scarlett was a shock even to us. The busboy from the Denny’s on Melrose broke the news. One night last week while taking the trash out he caught a glimpse of a strikingly beautiful homeless lady eating a weak old Lumberjack Slam out of the dumpster. Upon being noticed she slinked away into the darkness. It was none other than Ms. Johansson herself. 

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Have you ever wondered what Kristen Wiig’s nipples look like? Well we have the inside scoop. The gardner at my work also cuts Ms. Wiig’s lawn and has been watching her walk around naked on his lunch break for the past 3 months. He has confirmed multiple surgeries have occurred to reduce her abnormally large nipples. Most people don’t know this, but her nipples were the diameter of a soft ball since birth.

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Word on The Street: Will Smith saves fingernail clippings for Christmas!!! (PHOTOS!)

Word on The Street: Will Smith saves fingernail clippings for Christmas!!! (PHOTOS!)

You may think that Will Smith would give great Christmas presents, but my cousin Barbara found out the truth last week: It turns out Will Smith forces his whole family to save all their fingernail clippings in a jar. Yes, even upcoming child star Jayden Smith. At the end of the year for Christmas, they mail the clippings as presents to friends and family across the world. Yuck. Yuck.

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Word On The Street: Joaquin Phoenix is a Minotaur!!! (PHOTOS!)

Word On The Street: Joaquin Phoenix is a Minotaur!!! (PHOTOS!)

The taco truck guy down the street from my house told me he’s Joaquin Phoenix’s neighbor and he’s been watching him over his fence for the past year. Joaquin has been turning into a Minotaur and has been forced to hire a construction crew to build a labyrinth around himself in order to protect his family from inevitable bowel dismemberment.

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Is this a photograph of a REAL alien?

The man submitting the report, who did not provide a name, says he was walking through the woods in the early afternoon of March 25 when he spotted the oddity standing in the middle of a trail.

“A bright sphere floated in front of him,” he reported to MUFON. ” I took out my mobile phone, and I did a photograph.”

The man says he can’t remember what happened after taking the photograph.

“I only know that the creature disappeared,” he said, wondering whether it was an “alien”.

Image analysts tell Cryptozoology News that the picture was taken with a Samsung Galaxy S5 cellphone on the date originally reported by the eyewitness. It does not, initially, appear to have been doctored with image editing software, such as Photoshop. It is not clear why the man did not record a video of the alleged object.

- See more at: http://disinfo.com/2015/05/budapest-resident-snaps-photograph-of-alien-believes-he-was-abducted/#sthash.EtHOyp3B.dpuf

The NYPD spent $13,000 on Magic Mushrooms

The NYPD is in possession of a little over $13,000 worth of hallucinogenic mushrooms, but the stash isn’t the result of a major drug siege.

According to DNAinfo, the NYPD splurged on psilocybin (the chemical compound found in magic mushrooms) and ecstasy in 2011 from chemical and laboratory supply companies for the department’s drug testing lab, where the samples were then compared with drugs seized on the streets.

Read more at http://observer.com/2015/04/nypd-spends-thousands-of-dollars-on-magic-mushrooms-and-steak/#ixzz3XX8SqlXI 
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San Francisco deputy sheriffs forcing inmates to “fight, gladiator-style, for the entertainment of the deputies.”

Since the beginning of March, at least four deputies at County Jail No. 4 at 850 Bryant St. threatened inmates with violence or withheld food if they did not fight each other, gladiator-style, for the entertainment of the deputies, Public Defender Jeff Adachi said.

Adachi said the ringleader in these fights was Deputy Scott Neu, who was accused in 2006 of forcing inmates to perform sexual acts on him.

“I don’t know why he does it, but I just feel like he gets a kick out of it because I just see the look on his face,” said Ricardo Palikiko Garcia, one of the inmates who said he was forced to fight. “It looks like it brings him joy by doing this, while we’re suffering by what he’s doing.”

Neu told Garcia and Harris that if they required medical attention, they were to lie and say they fell off a bunk, Garcia said.

“And he told me anything goes,” he said. “Just don’t punch the face, so no one can basically see the marks. But anything goes, other than the face.”

Garcia said that at 5 feet 9 and 150 pounds, he was the smallest man in the pod while Harris, at 6 feet and 350 pounds, was the biggest.

During the first fight, which took place in a part of a hallway that was blocked from view, Neu appeared to have been betting on Harris, Garcia said, who tapped out after the smaller man got him in a headlock.

Read the full story HERE

Lets not forget that some have reported in the past that up to HALF the rape that goes on in prison is prison GUARDS raping Inmates:


"Allegations of rape and sexual assault involving inmates are increasing, and nearly half those assaults are committed against prisoners by correctional officers, according to a new report issued by the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

Prison and jail administrators reported 8,763 cases of alleged sexual abuse of inmates 2011, representing an increase of 4 percent from the 8,404 that were reported in 2010 and an 11 percent jump from the 7,855 reported in 2009, the report said."