Bhagwan "Master of the Vagina" Rajneesh

From DisInfo's Top 5 cult leaders that used sex to get their freak on and control minds at the same time:


Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Bhagwan (which allegedly means “Master of the Vagina”) Shree Rajneesh, preached a mishmash of traditional meditation and Western therapies. His followers were asked to kick, bite, and scream at one another to release stress. When that was done his followers were encouraged to have as much sex with him and each other as they could. He was addicted to laughing gas and at one point had 93 Rolls Royces.

He called himself the worlds great lover and claimed to have had sex with more women than anyone in history. In fact, he probably could have had sex with a lot more if he didn’t decide to have his followers poison a bunch of people.

Hunter attacked by naked 'Sasquatch' asks: 'Why are you trying to kill me?'

Hunter attacked by naked 'Sasquatch' asks: 'Why are you trying to kill me?'

One morning in October 2013, Jeff McDonald put on an orange hunting hat and headed out of his Manning home to spend a few hours prowling for deer in the nearby woods.

About a half-hour along the familiar path, a little more than a mile from home, the hunter spotted something strange in the distance. It looked like a person dressed head-to-toe in tan clothing.

"I thought, 'Man, that is really crazy for someone to be up here in deer season, to be wearing basically buck-skin-colored clothes,'" he said.

The person walked toward McDonald. He was naked. In one hand, he held McDonald's pruning saw.

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Sony just made a cassette tape that holds 64,750,000 songs

For a time, the cassette tape absolutely dominated the sales market. In 1990 alone, a staggering 442 million tapes were sold. However, with the rise of the CD, the birth of the mp3, and the eventual resurrection of vinyl, sales dwindled, and by 2007 only a mere 274,000 individual cassettes were sold. Sure, cassette-centric labels like Kissability and Mirror Universe Tapes have offered the cassette a new and niche following, but it’s a clear sign of the times when the cassette’s accompanying Walkman is regarded like some alien artifact.

Now, though, Sony has brought the cassette back from the dead by unveiling a tape that can hold a whopping 148 gigabytes per square inch. If you can’t do the math, that’s 185 terabytes of total data. We’ll wait as you toss your iPod into the trash.

The tape, which was unveiled this weekend at the International Magnetics Conference in Dresden, holds approximately 74 times the amount of data of standard tapes. (For comparison, by 2010, most standard tapes could only store about 29.5 GB per square inch.)


For more info go here

Woman sexually assaulted during exorcisms

Woman sexually assaulted during exorcisms

TORONTO - A pastor at a Scarborough church has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman while performing “exorcisms” on her.

Toronto Police alleged Wayne Marlon Jones, 53, of the United Spiritual Baptist Church, at 787 Midland Ave., near Eglinton Ave. E., offered spiritual guidance to a woman between May 2011 and May 2013 when he performed exorcisms.

The woman was allegedly convinced to turn over money and property, according to investigators. And while it was not clear Wednesday where the alleged assault took place, the initial complaint was processed at 14 Division — at 350 Dovercourt Rd. — and not 41 Division where the church is located.

The investigation has been ongoing since Jones was arrested in August. He’s charged with sexual assault and three counts of theft fraud over $5,000. Exorcisms themselves are not illegal, police said.

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XMAS NEWS: Screech Stabbed a Dude

XMAS NEWS: Screech Stabbed a Dude

Police on Friday arrested Dustin Diamond, better known as "Screech" in the early 1990s sitcom "Saved by the Bell," in a stabbing incident at a bar in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

Diamond, 37, of Port Washington, was charged with three misdemeanors: second-degree recklessly endangering safety; carrying a concealed weapon; and disorderly conduct, use of a dangerous weapon, according to a press release from the police.

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Man Sentenced to Prison for Punching Hole in £10 Million Monet Painting


In what is hopefully the epilogue to an incident that happened two years ago, a man has been sentenced to five years in prison for punching a hole in a painting by famed French impressionist artist Claude Monet. Displayed in the National Gallery of Ireland, the £10 million piece titled Argenteuil Basin with a Single Sailboat was attacked by the 49-year-old man when he drove his fist through the left side of the painting. He initially explained his motive as “getting back at the state” but changed his story during the trial, saying that it happened when he felt faint and fell into the artwork. After reviewing CCTV footage, it was decided that it indeed was an intentional attack. The man will also be banned from visiting any galleries for 15 months after his jail sentence.



Florida man accused of offering police officer chicken dinner for sex


A Melbourne man offered to pay an undercover female police officer $3 and a chicken dinner in exchange for sex, according to police.Steven Torres, 32, was arrested Thursday in Sanford on charges of soliciting prostitution. According to police, Torres was one of seven men arrested during a Sanford police prostitution sting.

The officer posed as a prostitute near South 27th Street and South Orlando Drive, police said.  Torres agreed to exchange chicken and cash for sex after a brief conversation, police said.

Torres was taken to jail but was later released on bond.  He will be arraigned Dec. 1 at the Seminole County Courthouse.

'Vampire grave' found in Bulgaria

'Vampire grave' found in Bulgaria

A “vampire grave” containing a skeleton with a stake driven through its chest has been unearthed by a man known as “Bulgaria’s Indiana Jones”.

Professor Nikolai Ovcharov – a crusading archaeologist who has dedicated his life to unearthing mysteries of ancient civilisations – said that he had made the discovery while excavating the ruins of Perperikon, an ancient Thracian city located in southern Bulgaria, close to the border with Greece.

The city, inhabited since 5,000 BC but only discovered 20 years ago, is believed to be the site of the Temple of Dionysius – the Greek God of wine and fertility. And among the finds at the site, which includes a hilltop citadel, a fortress and a sanctuary, are a series of “vampire graves”.


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