The Spiritual Teachings of Beavis and Butthead Part 4: Worshiping the Female
/As we’ve seen in chapter two, many different symbols and concepts litter Beavis and Buttheads world. From the food they eat to the people they meet, each has its own significance. But one thing sits highest, above all else, in Beavis and Buttheads minds. That, of course, is the female.
Every single episode of Beavis and Butthead the female form or the act of copulation has been addressed. Is this just the musings of two dirty minded adolescence or something much more significant? Obviously the latter. The female is the other half to the male. The yin to the yang. The mother, the sister, the daughter. Beavis and Butthead have grown up without any of those roles present in their lives. They come into this world lacking something vital: a balance of their energies. They crave this balance. They crave it just as all of us crave balance. The balancing of male and female energies is one of the most vital lessons any human can learn. We see this lack of balance present all over our world. In the war mongers and the corporate scumbags, so many men are lacking a female energy. And, as the boys show us, without this balance everything is chaos.
Woman are completely unattainable to these two cosmic brothers. As hard as they might try the viewer knows it will never happen. True balance is rarely achieved in real life. The agony of this is what keeps them going, what drives them.
One of the central female characters in Beavis and Butthead is Daria. Daria is their classmate and deadtone critic. The intelectual. The observer. Very much the opposite of the boys in every way possible. While many might think Daria represents the female, she does not. She represents the complete opposite extreme of everything Beavis and Butthead stand for. Another warning sign in their world. The idea is ballance, not extremes. While none of us strive to live like Beavis and Butthead we also do not strive to live the cynical life of Daria. Just because she is female does not mean she is the goddess incarnate. In fact no character in the Beavis and Butthead universe represents a perfect being just as in real life you most likely will never encounter a perfect being.
The lust of the female is the center of Beavis and Buttheads world. Their lust is our lust. Our lust for knowledge, our lust for balance, our lust for life. If this is not in the forefront of your mind, inside your every waking thought, you are misguided. You must lust for balance. Do as the Butthead and you will be on the road to enlightenment.