Some Of My Favorite Squibs

Some Of My Favorite Squibs

Did you know that when someone is shot (with a gun no less) in a major motion picture that their skin isn’t actually being pierced by a bullet? And more often than not that the blood spraying, spurting, and splattering out of the actor’s internal organs is often not even real blood? I’ve known this Hollywood secret for years (I definitely did not just learn about this looking at Wikipedia on my phone instead of going to sleep), and now I’d like to share some of my favorite squib shots with you, my adoring public.

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As we all are becoming aware, technology can be used for good and evil. From Darpa to hoverboards, our evolving future always seems to surprise us. Less and less can we tell the truth from the lies, the real from the fake. Kill Pretty has stumbled upon a scandal so big it’s going to rock the sleaze journals of TMZ and Entertainment Tonight. As always we are on the cutting edge of news and today we are about to blow your mind.

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Thrift Shop Tech Review: Tiger Electronics Deluxe Talkboy

Thrift Shop Tech Review: Tiger Electronics Deluxe Talkboy

Sometimes in life, I feel like I’m doing okay. Well, even. Riding the crest of the remarkable wave that seems to only come ashore a few instances in any given lifetime, and one of those times is now. But then it all comes crashing down, breaking along the coast for all the little kids to fall down in while trying to skimboard, when Nacho phones me up and tells me I need to write a review. Fucking Kill Pretty.



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