Zine Review: Enemy #5 and #7
/Enemy #5 and #7
A Wesley
2380 Wheeler Ave Apt #6
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
These zines are what I’ve tried to do over and over in my magazine making career. Truly psychotic shit. You can see in the layout and text, the people making this thing are actually deranged. Deranged enough to make this shit but sober enough to mail it out. A very rare combo. I fully support sending these people money although I believe I received my copies for free. I’m a little disappointed I gave these people my address but it’s too late now!
You can follow Nacho on Instagram and read more of his work in Mindfuck or in like every issue of Kill Pretty. Want your zine reviewed? Shoot us an email (Sup@killprettymagazine.com) and we’ll make it happen.