What Your iPhone Alarm Clock Ringtone Says About You by Greg Mania
/Art by Andy Mania
Opening: This is the default iPhone ringtone, quiet and subtle: like you! You enjoy
fostering a sense of community and love shoving your flagrant display of civic virtue in
everyone’s face!
Apex: You’re very career-oriented and liquidate assets before lunch.
Chimes: You can ONLY achieve an orgasm if the song you’re having sex to is
comprised of at least 80% woodwind instruments.
Circuit: You’ve thought about frosting your tips more than once in your life.
Constellation: You started your own psychic hotline in college to earn an extra buck.
Crystal: You’re a beautiful, whimsical soul. Everyone always come to your for advice.
Little do they know you have three rolled up Alias posters in the back of your closet.
Illuminate: This fun and flirty alarm clock ringtone makes you want to carpe diem! Or
commit grand larceny.
Night Owl: You’ve never gotten over the time you made eye contact with a guy wearing
a fedora.
Playtime: You’re under the age of 18 and probably only communicate via emojis.
Presto: You totally wouldn’t hate getting an Old Navy gift card for your birthday. Not.
One. Bit.
Radiate: You’re in graduate school and feel the need to meticulously describe your
niche-ass thesis to the class when you’re asked to introduce yourself.
Ripples: You’ve purchased the Love and Other Drugs deluxe DVD package just for the
bonus deleted scenes.
Silk: You make sure to always answer the door while you’re putting on a robe.
Slow Rise: You don’t wake up before 3 P.M.
Stargaze: Your ideal first date is going to an indoor trampoline park and then making out
to The Verve.