Terrible Fucking Advice With Murdoch St. James
/Sexual intellectual, Murdock St. James is back with his semi-monthly offering of sex tips, cunnilingus concepts, and anal advice. Instead of sitting down for an interview like he promised, the author of An Evening With You and Your Genitals and Murdock St. James was kind enough to send Kill Pretty a Whats App message with 10 sex tips that he thought our readers would appreciate.
Sanitizer is NOT a healthy alternative for lube
Quarantine is the perfect time to try butt stuff (especially if you’re by yourself), see how many household objects you can cram up there
If you can suck your own dick then why are you reading this?
If you don’t eat your own cum then who will?
Fellas, your body is a temple and that means your dick is the steeple. Your testicles are the bells, and your semen are the hunchbacks inside of the bells I guess?
Nudes can be a fun way to let your boss know that you’re thinking of them.
Try out some new phrases in bed tonight. Instead of saying, “I’m cumming,” try, “Bye Bye cum!”
If you have a hard on when you wake up then your apartment is definitely haunted
Vagina owners, did you know that you can crush a diamond with that thing? Don’t do it unless you’re ready for a huge mess.
Brighten your neighbor’s day by showing them all the GoPro footage you’ve been filming while they’re in the shower.