New Drug Slang for Parents!
/Narconon has decided to fill parents in on all the new drug terms! Check out this list and get informed!
Common Nicknames
- 3M - Mescaline, mushrooms (psilocybin) and Molly (crystal Ecstasy)
- A-bomb or atom bomb - Marijuana mixed withheroin
- Amp joint - Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic
- B-40 - Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor
- Back to back - Abuse of heroin followed by crack cocaine or vice versa
- Banana split - Combination of the synthetic 2C-B with other illegal drugs, especially LSD
- Banano - Marijuana or tobacco cigarettes doctored with cocaine
- Bars - Heroin mixed with alprazolam/Xanax
- Basuco - Incompletely refined cocaine paste sprinkled on a marijuana cigarette
- Bazooka - Combination of crack cocaine or unrefined cocaine and marijuana
- Beam me up, scottie - Cocaine combined with PCP
- Bipping - Snorting heroin and cocaine, either simultaneously or close together
- Black Russian - Hashish and opium
- Buda - High-grade marijuana with crack cocaine added
- Bumping up - Combining Ecstasy with powder cocaine
- C & M - Cocaine and morphine
- Canade - Heroin and marijuana used together
- Candy blunt - Marijuana-filled cigar (blunt) dipped in cough syrup
- Candy flipping - Using LSD and Ecstasy together
- Candy flipping on a string - Combining LSD and Ecstasy or LSD, Ecstasy and cocaine either all at once or in sequence
- Capsizing - PCP and MDMA
- Caviar - Cocaine and marijuana
- Cheese - A mix of black tar heroin and diphenhydramine (most commonly found in Tylenol PM)
- Chasing the dragon - Crack cocaine and heroin
- Chips - Tobacco or marijuana cigarettes treated with PCP
- Chronic - Marijuana mixed with crack
- Clicker - Crack mixed with PCP or a marijuana cigarette treated with dipped in formaldehyde before smoking
- Cocktail - Combination of crack and marijuana
- Cocoa Puffs - Cocaine and Marijuana smoked together
- Crackers - Talwin (narcotic painkiller) and Ritalin
- Crescent roll - Marijuana laced with cocaine
- Crisscrossing - Snorting a line of cocaine along with a line of heroin
- Crunk - Getting high and drunk at the same time.
- Diablito - Crack cocaine and marijuana in a joint
- Dipped joints - Marijuana combined with PCP and formaldehyde
- Dirties/Dirty joints - Marijuana mixed with powder cocaine
- Donk - Marijuana and PCP
- Draf - Ecstasy with cocaine
- Dragon rock - Heroin and crack mixed together
- Dust - Marijuana mixed with various other drugs such as cocaine, heroin or PCP
- Dynamite - Cocaine mixed with heroin
- Eightball - Crack cocaine and heroin
- El diablito - Cocaine, marijuana, heroin and PCP
- El diablo - Cocaine, marijuana and heroin
- Elephant flipping - Use of PCP and Ecstasy with animal anesthetic ketamine
- Ethan - LSD and cocaine
- Fire - Crack and methamphetamine
- Five-way - Snorting heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and Rohypnol while also drinking alcohol
- Flamethrowers - Regular cigarettes treated with cocaine and heroin
- Flower flipping - Ecstasy and mushrooms used together
- Frisco special/Frisco speedball - Cocaine, heroin, and LSD
- Fry/Fry sticks - Marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid or PCP
- Fry daddy - Crack and marijuana mixed and smoked
- Geek-joints - A marijuana cigarette with crack or powdered cocaine added
- Gimmie - Crack and marijuana mixed together
- Goofball - Cocaine and heroin
- Greek - Marijuana and powder cocaine
- H & C - Heroin and cocaine
- H-bomb - Ecstasy and heroin
- Handlebars - Combination of crack cocaine and alprazolam (Xanax)
- Happy stick - Marijuana and PCP in a cigarette
- He-she - Heroin mixed with cocaine
- Herb and al - Marijuana and alcohol
- Hippie flip - Use of mushrooms (psilocybin) and Ecstasy
- Houston cocktail - Hydrocodone, a benzodiazepine like Valium or Xanax, and Soma/carisoprodol
- Hugs and kisses - Combination of methamphetamine and Ecstasy
- Illie/illy- Marijuana dipped in liquid PCP or embalming fluid and then dried
- Jedi flip - Mushrooms, LSD, and Ecstasy
- Jet fuel - PCP use combined with methamphetamine
- Jim Jones - Marijuana treated with cocaine and PCP
- Joy stick - Marijuana treated with PCP
- Juice joint - Marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
- Karachi - Heroin, phenobarbital (a sleeping drug), and methaqualone (depressant)
- Killer weed - Marijuana and PCP
- Kitty Bending - Ketamine and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium)
- Kitty Boosting - Amphetamine and ketamine
- Kitty Flipping - Ketamine and Ecstasy
- Kitty Tripping - Ketamine and LSD
- Lace - Cocaine and marijuana
- Las Vegas cocktail - Hydrocodone and a benzodiazepine like Valium or Xanax
- LBJ - Heroin plus LSD and PCP
- Liprimo - Marijuana and crack mixed and formed into a cigarette
- Love boat - Marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; a cigar refilled with marijuana and then dipped in liquid PCP; cigar refilled with marijuana that has heroin added
- Love flipping - Mescaline and Ecstasy
- Lucky flip - Ecstasy and synthetic 2C-T-7
- Love trip - Mescaline and Ecstasy
- Lovelies - Marijuana treated with PCP
- Methball - methamphetamine and heroin mixed in one syringe
- Missile basing - Crack and PCP
- Moonrock - Crack and heroin
- Murder one - Heroin and cocaine
- Neon Nod - LSD and heroin
- Nexus flipping - Nexus (the synthetic 2-CB) and MDMA
- Nox - Nitrous oxide and MDMA
- Octane - PCP laced with gasoline
- On the ball - Ecstasy particles added to a bag of heroin
- One and ones - Talwin (narcotic painkiller) and ritalin
- Oolies - Marijuana cigarettes laced with crack
- Ozone - Cigarette containing marijuana, PCP and crack cigarette
- P-dogs - Cocaine and marijuana
- P-funk - Crack plus PCP
- Pancakes and syrup - Glutethimide (hypnotic drug) and codeine cough syrup
- Parachute - Smoking crack and PCP; smoking crack and heroin
- Parachute down - Using Ecstasy when coming down off heroin
- Party and play - Methamphetamine together with Ecstasy and Viagra
- Party pack - The synthetic 2C-B plus other illicit drugs, particularly Ecstasy
- Pharming - Mixing prescription drugs
- Piggybacking - Simultaneous injecting two drugs; using Ecstasy sequentially to maintain the high
- Pikachu - Pills containing PCP and Ecstasy
- Polo - Heroin and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
- Poor man's heroin - Narcotic painkiller Talwin and Ritalin, injected
- Poro - Heroin plus PCP
- Primos - Marijuana joints treated with crack cocaine
- Quiktrip - Methamphetamine and psilocybin
- Red rock opium/Red rum - Heroin, sleeping pills, strychnine and caffeine
- Ritz and Ts - Ritalin and Talwin, injected
- Robo flipping - Ecstasy and dextromethorphan (cough medication)
- Rompums - Marijuana with Xylazine or other horse tranquilizers
- Sandwich - Two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle
- Scramble - Low purity heroin plus crack cocaine
- Screwball - Heroin and methamphetamine
- Serial speedballing - Sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over period of days
- Shabu - Powder cocaine and methamphetamine
- Sherman stick - Crack cocaine with marijuana in a blunt (refilled cigar)
- Smoking gun - Heroin and cocaine
- Snowcone - Amphetamine and weed smoked together
- Snow seals - Cocaine and amphetamine
- Space base/Space blunt - Crack dipped in PCP; refilled cigar with PCP and crack
- Space cadet/Space dust - Crack dipped in PCP
- Speedball - Cocaine and heroin; may also refer to methylphenidate (Ritalin) mixed with heroin
- Speedboat - Methamphetamine, PCP, heroin and cocaine or marijuana, PCP and crack smoked together
- Speedkitten - Methamphetamine and ketamine
- Speedies - Ecstasy adulterated with amphetamine
- Spill - Speed and an ecstasy pill in the same line to be snorted
- Splitting - Rolling marijuana and cocaine into a single joint
- Spoke - Speed, crushed Ecstasy pill and coke in the same line to be snorted
- Squirrel - PCP and marijuana that is laced with cocaine and smoked
- Stupor stoning - Drinking alcohol while smoking marijuana
- Sugar flipping - Ecstasy and cocaine
- Super grass - Marijuana treated with PCP
- Super X - Methamphetamine and Ecstasy
- Tar - Smoking crack and heroin
- Tipsy flipping - Alcohol and Ecstasy
- Torpedo - Marijuana and crack
- Troll - LSD and MDMA
- Twisters - Crack and methamphetamine
- Waffle dust - Ecstasy and amphetamine
- Wet/Wet sticks - Marijuana cigarettes soaked in PCP or formaldehyde and dried
- Whack - Heroin and PCP; Crack and PCP
- Wicky - Powder cocaine, PCP and marijuana
- Wild cat - Methcathinone (synthetic similar to methamphetamine) mixed with cocaine
- Wollie/Woo - Adding crack rocks to a marijuana cigarette
- Woola blunt/Woolah- Marijuana and heroin in a refilled cigar
- Woolas - Crack sprinkled on marijuana cigarette
- Woolie - Marijuana and heroin; marijuana and crack cocaine; marijuana and PCP
- Woolies - Marijuana and crack or PCP
- Yerba mala - PCP and marijuana