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Want the freedom to park anywhere you want any time? Well just buy a can of RED CURB LIBERATION! Paint any red curb gray, park and go!
In 1965 a "scientist" by the name of Merdof Frokenhimer developed a "therapeutic" way to treat concrete. At the time it was revolutionary. We thought we were bringing peace and understanding to the concrete edges around the nation. America was aware of the pain curbs were faced with every day by vehicles constantly slamming into them. This treatment was supposed to numb the curbs and also make them feel less lonely. Like many "scientific advancements" of the 60's, it did the exact opposite. Every red curb you see is actually screaming in pain. The brighter the curb the more pain it feels. We have decided to liberate the concrete oppressed and give them life again! Expose them to the sun! To the MOON! To the lovely people of planet EARTH who want them to be free! Each can of RED CURB LIBERATION is a promise. A promise of a happier curb, a promise of a happier world. Use this can as your call to action! You will not stand down until every red curb turns gray, THE TRUE COLOR OF CONCRETE!